Motivation and Inspiration from Aagym's 3M

"Dreams are the key to our world, ran tirelessly until you reach it"

Lines from laskar pelangi song is sung by Nidji this is very inspiring and motivating for us, especially the younger generation to keep relentless pursuit of his dreams.

Human beings are created in this world each have a capacity of capital different. As with human beings we must keep mengasahnya and thus can be optimized. Since young, we always aimed to have the ideals high.

However, the conditions and situation of the country more difficult, making many people despair of what has dicita-citakannya long time. Hundreds of thousands of graduates can not be directly absorbed by the industry and existing employment. Pengangguranpun everywhere.

One option if we want to achieve success is to start a business. When I began to join with friends to create a business, we often face problems and failures. This failure occurs because each of the members rely on each other with each other. This incident reminded me of the words Aagym with his M-3.

The first M is the Beginning of the self. This means that if each member of the launch itself could do the job most likely we can achieve success together.

The second M is the Beginning of the small things. Starting from the things that small is the beginning of a good attitude. It is great will never be reached if we do not start from small things.
M, the third is from sekarnag too. Means urge someone to act quickly and invites us to stare not only make the design life. It makes the design life is good but too long to make plans without action is ineffective action.

So some simple doodles I hope there are benefits. I want to take there from now on to stop dreaming and start to try. Javanese language term Stop Dreaming Start Action.