No Surrender said. Yes, that's at least right now. As SEO contest Stop Dreaming Start Action, although still not in first position would not give up, because there's still time. If it means giving up in despair, was the despair is a friend of the devil. I do not want to be a friend of the devil. Therefore, with all the abilities that Allah bestowed to me, I will try as much as possible.
InsyaAllah I will not give up, to how the results of the SEO contest Stop Dreaming Start Action set who the champion. And I really hope I can become champion 1. Bismillah.
To reach it you must have a pretty serious business, competition or remember the other contestants are qualified in terms of perseoan. Although sometimes I have to do trial and error, but still provide a high spirit for me to win the contest Stop Dreaming Start the Action.
And surely Allah's help so I expect to win the contest. And sayapun not silent, I make every effort devoted to the ability to maximize the divine bestowed doing SEO optimization. Although must shuffle, but will still no word berusaha without giving up. And hopefully the remaining time of this contest can I use to good effect to win the championship contest of the course.