CIPTO Junaedy Profile

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CIPTO Junaedy Profile The following description provides information about CIPTO Junaedy teraktual. If you have a strong desire CIPTO Junaedy associated with it, then this latest description is appropriate for you to see.
CIPTO Junaedy was highly recognized by the community at Our State of Indonesia. Fortunately, we have a lot once the implementing methods are to buy property with no money. Strategy Without Money Without Debt that is natural and break diterapkannya. Tsb strategy can break strategy Kiyosaki and Dolf De Ross who are based in debt. CIPTO Junaedy has over 14 years experience in managing enterprises in the group with total assets of over USD 180 jt, with total sales of more than 150 jt USD per year in property industry, manufacturing, trade, and services.

CIPTO Junaedy Profile are really phenomenal in Our Country Indonesia. Writer who wrote best seller "Buying Strategies Lots Property Without Money Without mortgage" tsb almost every town name suit a wide variety of national and local media. Since the age of 35, CIPTO Junaedy Meng-right-method-sharing methods are well known strategies through seminars Buying Property Without Money Without a mortgage, without having to wait Leaning Price held various major cities in Indonesia and abroad. Seminars with speakers CIPTO Junaedy often full of visitors. Sepesial enough of each to attend the full seminar Junaedy exclusive CIPTO be without a sponsor at all, due to the material described in relation to the method CIPTO Junaedy and so be free of interest. CIPTO Junaedy has been a speaker in various seminars that have been held in many cities, both abroad and at home, here are some cities that have CIPTO Junaedy singgahi in Jakarta, Makassar, Surabaya, Bali, Balikpapan, and big cities We rest in the State of Indonesia so that every audience has a minimum number of properties sons and daughter, with no debt, no money. CIPTO Junaedy seminar was always interesting.

Author of best seller "6 Months Can Buy Property cash! Without Money Without mortgage" was speaking in front of more than five hundred thousand people. CIPTO Junaedy has been a teacher for different segments of society. Strategy that broke the method Kiyosaki and Dolf De Ross has joined kebermacam the following layers: a great entrepreneur, corporate president, political party leaders, renown artists, television presenters, journalists, among military and police, lawyers, religious leaders, doctors, NGO activists, humanists, students, teachers, retirees, and volunteers affected by disaster.

CIPTO Junaedy have high social life, on average every 42 days CIPTO Junaedy donate a free home or home big money to people in need. It turned out pretty amazing that Junaedy CIPTO fast. CIPTO Junaedy by Gramedia Pustaka Utama and Jawa Pos exactly on 7 June 2010 giving thanks in the form of a string of housing units to Boaz Woisiri Briptu widow who died due to the disaster in Aceh Darussalam, and the string you big money on home prices and late widow Rudiman Sutikno is the education service officer died due to catastrophic robbery at taking money sekecamatan teacher salaries. CIPTO Junaedy also give you rope for the second time exactly on January 30, 2011. Rope around a deposit of love in the house passed to his Mount Merapi disaster victims who left his wife and children are still tiny relative namely Jupriyanto volunteers and journalists late Rev. Yuniawan Nugroho. Ie they died in the disaster victims of Mount Merapi.

Cipto Junaedy strategy to acquire property without money nope just theory, CIPTO Junaedy have proven strategies in buying property with no money and without going into debt. He has obtained a variety of property located in several major cities in Indonesia Our State and abroad. Most recently, in May 2011, he was lucky to get 90 units of the prestigious apartement in Jakarta from renowned developer in just over two weeks less time. Method practiced by CIPTO Junaedy stems from professional experience while in range management position as group finance director. In tsb position, he managed 13 enterprises Manca countries have more wealth than 500 jt USD.

For approximately 15 years, he has experience in business, finance, and business, in good manufacturing industry, services, and trading. Concentration field that is debt Restructuring, merger and acquisition, company valuating, banking, capital expenditure, strategic Comprehensive Financial Planning, as well as public reporting corporation, and Shareholders management issues. Based on the professional experience implementing successful Junaedy CIPTO tsb hair cut for corporations to 70 percent of the debt is worth 100M USD, and perform a variety of actions the company's acquisitions, on which the property. CIPTO traveling Junaedy average 100 times per yr for business travel related to professional experience tsb. Author of best seller "Buying Business & Franchise Strategy Without Money Without Debt" has traveled to Japan more than 30 times to carry out business negotiations in the manufacturing, banking, and trading.

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