If you are just dreaming, stop dreaming. It is not allowed or is not good to always dream. People used to dream of flying and it's now a ton of iron could fly. Iron is known as an airplane or helicopter. All that was once great dreams of man. But one thing, they are not just a dream, but to do (start action). So start action is a choice, if we do not choose to start action is a dream only a dream will become futile.
So stop dreaming start action, start to realize your dreams by doing the real. Do the real can start with the formula 3M AA Gym. Starting small, starting from now, and start from ourselves. Do not worry if in a dream that never fails. Edison have discovered the wrong way in 1000 and finally found the correct way to make lamps.
My friend, the most important thing now is how to start realizing our dreams, not thinking about going to the risks that are likely to befall us. Therefore start from now when you finish reading this article. Stop Dreaming Start Action.