Each of you online with the Internet in cafes or wherever you are connected to the internet, if you open the first google.co.id and searching with keywords Stop Dreaming Start Action to determine the position of your website in the Joko Susilo's SEO contest that has keyword Stop Dreaming Start the Action? If true, it means that your default internet connection Stop Dreaming Start googling action. I think almost all the participants SEO contest Joko Susilo berkeyword Stop Dreaming Start Action will do the same thing.
Default Internet connection googling Action Stop Dreaming Start today has become a new trend for the netter, or bloggers who follow the contest. I myself often do so. Of course you already know that I am also one of the contestants Stop Dreaming Start Action. Which weblogs Stop Dreaming Start Action is often problematic as the title of the article:
Approximately how many people in Indonesia it is the default Internet connection googling Stop Dreaming Start Action? hundred, two hundred, three hundred, a thousand or ten million one? Dunno. So what want to know the data? Do not see why seeh, just wanted to know it. If you know the actual data it is more fun and more exciting. And at least be a subject matter of this blog updates. Tul not? By the way you want to know also what is not?