Changing Template No Best Result

Recognize the web yesterday and visited tourist attraction in Pandeglang changed the template but I see the results while concluding Best Result Not Changing Templates, especially for this blog just lho. Result not mean there are two here, the first not to boost the position Best Result IDENTIFY articles and visit the attractions in Pandeglang Object. The second is not Best Result other articles in the index. Instance Pandeglang Web Optimization articles Ease Morning Day, where until now no visit is also indexed to this writing.

Although Best Result Not Changing template I see that the web is increasing good. It means I like this new template. Even more cool gitu loh. Were in the wilderness. Initially the hell did not notice a significant appearance can help boost SERP IDENTIFY articles and visit the attractions in Pandeglang Object but apparently it needs to display. So do not lose deh new template changes.

This new template in terms of articles index such as Web Pandeglang This Not Sign Top 100 was not Best Result but in terms of very Best Result satisfaction. And even I can feel happy to see and visit the web IDENTIFY tourism object in Pandeglang with a new template this time.

Header and fontnya very appropriate choice, as well as color (soothing). And it seems this new template seo friendly too. So from the side of humanism and crawl the web side is very effective.